Spiritual Guidance For Living From Your Soul

Marque Kolack 
Author, Coach, Speaker, Yogi








Spiritual Guidance For Living From Your Soul







How Does It Feel To Be 'YOU'?

Honestly, what’s life like right now? Are you experiencing the emotional fulfillment, love, and material abundance you've been yearning for? Or are you struggling with fear, guilt, shame and scarcity?

What's the cost of limiting beliefs, self-judgement, anger and anxiety in your life?

A joyous and abundant life is yours when you come home to your heart, release the judgements of the ego, and live from your soul. 

Are you ready to make that your reality? This is an invitation to love and honor yourself enough to permanently shift your life to match your heart's desires.

What Are Your 
Heart & Soul Saying?

Your fully awakened Soul-Self always speaks through your Heart. What will life be like when you awaken to your heart voice and soul wisdom?

When you re-awaken the connection with your soul, your Divine Birthrights of health, happiness, and fulfillment will manifest in your life.
Through our coaching relationship you will develop: 
Through our coaching relationship you will develop: 
  • Heart-led Intuitive Guidance
  • ​Increased Self Confidence
  • ​Memory of Your True Self
  • ​Self-Healing Abilities
  • ​More Meaningful Relationships
  • ​Inner Peace Regardless of External Conditions
  • ​A Fulfilling Life Expression
  • Heart-led Intuitive Guidance
  • ​Increased Self Confidence
  • ​Memory of Your True Self
  • ​Self-Healing Abilities
  • ​More Meaningful Relationships
  • ​Inner Peace Regardless of External Conditions
  • ​A Fulfilling Life Expression

The New Earth Is Here!

Ascension Is Your Destiny

Marque Kolack, Spiritual Guide for Over 40 Years, Author, Life Coach

Marque Kolack, Spiritual Guide for Over 40 Years, Speaker, Yogi, Author, Life Coach

My name is Marque Kolack and I’m on this planet to liberate souls from ego bondage and rise up to take their rightful place in the emerging New World! 

From an early age, mystical experiences followed me wherever I went. As I matured, I devoted myself to spiritual study, prayer, channeling, fasting, meditation, yoga and service.  
Prior to the 1970’s, I suffered multiple major head injuries and was told I required high risk spinal fusion surgery.

I rejected the surgery and healed myself using the power of intention, meditation, affirmation, prayer, yoga, breath, and visualization. 

Through the practices I will teach you, I experienced an “impossible” medical miracle. 

After this life-changing experience, I moved into a Spiritual Ashram in Sedona for four years. In dedicated study I learned how to communicate and build relationships with Master Beings of Light. Today I serve as one of their messengers on Earth and it is my honor to bring their love, wisdom, and power to you.
In the 1980’s I studied and worked with Tony Robbins, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, and the Kahunas in Hawaii for over 20 years.
As the 1990’s dawned, my gifts and skills led me onto 35-year career empowering leaders as an executive coach for billion dollar companies.  

I’m The Author of Three Books: 

I’m a devoted mentor, guide, and teacher because for many years of my earlier life I was traumatized by the lie of unworthiness which negatively impacts so many people.

I have come to know intimately the challenges that come along with incarnating in this earthly realm. I’ve felt the anger and frustration of not knowing how to change my condition and make my life better.  

Through years of diligent study, and countless Divine Interventions I’ve learned how to transform my health, my consciousness, and build a life of purpose, fulfillment, and joy.
Now it is your turn to join millions of your Starseed brothers and sisters all over the Earth who are being empowered by the Christ within to no longer be controlled by the ways of the ego-driven world.

Now is the time to return to your heart, to your love, to the one you know you are deep within you. You have permission from The Divine! It is safe to create YOUR new world by being, living and expressing from your soul in all you do.

The human race is on the threshold of giving birth to a New Renaissance of Love. The presence of this love is awakening in every heart world-wide. And I know you can feel it too! The New Earth is here. It’s alive, vibrant. It’s beating to a frequency of Divine Love that I believe is the Goddess Reawakening.

Will you rise-up and accept your Divine Inheritance as a sovereign being of light and love? Or will you submit to the limiting lies of the ego that say you're not good enough and incapable? 

Three Steps To Your Transformation

Get Started on Creating Your Long-Awaited New Life


Book A Call To Discuss Your Goals & Challenges


Awaken Your Soul With Private Coaching


Embody & Express Your Divine Self

Activate Your

Connect To Your
Divine Mindset

Experience Your
Mystic Reality

In Service To Those Seeking Their Soul’s Expression

At Modern Mystics Academy, we know that you want to Awaken To Your Heart and Live From Your Soul. In order to do that, you need to stop living from the limited ego and start living from the infinite passion of your soul.

The problem is you have been taught and programmed by the world to see yourself as limited, unimportant, and alone. 

This makes you feel unsafe, unworthy, disconnected, and afraid of expressing yourself authentically in the world. We believe this is just plain wrong--especially when unworthiness is untrue, and we have the power to turn around this debilitating illusion with spiritual practices. 

I understand what it's like to live in the pain and lies of the lower-self which is why I have committed my life to helping people experience their unique inner truth for nearly 40 years.
Here's How I Serve Clients:

1) We connect on a call for you to get more information,
discuss where you "are" and where you want to go
2) We agree on and begin a custom spiritual coaching program
3) You experience a life in harmony with your heart and soul

Click below to schedule a time for us to speak or download this free PDF so you can stop feeling anxious and instead bring more fun and creativity into your life by experiencing the glory of who you really are!

Testimonials for Marque Kolack and Modern Mystics Academy

"Thank you for the bright light you are and for all your contributions to my life and the lives of others in our community through your spirited coaching, profound writings and inspirational music."
-Hugs, Sharon, CEO Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp
"Om Shanti, Marque! You are incredibly brilliant, and your coaching and writings are transformational! I only wish millions more could practice these concepts in their lives. I am so honored to have you as my coach!"
- Love, David, Theta and The Healing Trust Healer and Teacher
"You have taught me so much Marque. Your foundation for my Spiritual Awakening was the best gift ever! 
It has helped me so much as I continue to evolve. 
I am so grateful for you!’
-Thank you, Maryann, Holistic Health Coach, Yoga Teacher

Awaken To Your Divinity

Watch This Video And Discover How I Can Help YOU!

Who Will You Become When You Come Home To Your Heart?

Now is the time to realize the positive purpose of your past, harness its ultimate power, and to create your New Life in the New World! I’m here to guide you into alignment with your soul’s ultimate expression.

If you desire the life I'm describing, give me a chance to coach you into creating it. I've guided thousands of people into better lives, now it's your turn!

It will be my Divine Honor to assist in your ascension. Let's talk.
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